Durov made the remarks through his public Telegram channel while reacting to a New Times report alleging that Apple participated in wide-scale surveillance and censorship in China. According to Durov, Apple’s model involves selling overpriced hardware to customers while limiting their options to integrate iPhone functionalities with other operating systems. He added that while developing Apple’s software, it relates to working in the “middle ages,” and the devices cannot compete with Android. According to Durov:
Durov’s long-term Apple criticism
Durov, a long-term critic of Apple, termed the company as totalitarian hence the association with the Chinese Communist Party. In 2020, Durov slammed the iPhone 12 Pro as “an incredibly awkward piece of iron,” stating that it was an improved version of the 2012 iPhone 5. He also has criticized the current Apple leadership for lack of innovation, claiming that since the death of founder Steve Jobs, the company is still relying on his technology. Durov cited lack of innovation as the catalyst for reduced iPhone sales in recent years, and the devices risk losing out on the market share. Featured image via TechCrunch YouTube